In 1913, he moved to Munich and, on the outbreak of World War I, enlisted in the German army, where he was wounded and awarded the Iron Cross medal. In 1919 he joined the extreme right wing (fascist) German Workers' Party (DAP). As propaganda minister for the party, he promised extremist 'remedies' to Germany's post-war problems, such as the Depression, unemployment and the weak global position Germany had been forced into after losing World War I, which he and many others blamed on Jews and Bolsheviks.
By 1921 he was the unquestioned leader of what was now called the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party).
In 1923 Hitler attempted an unsuccessful armed uprising in Munich and was imprisoned for nine months, during which time he dictated 'Mein Kampf', a semi-autobiography, outlining his political ideology and ideas on propaganda. On his release he began to rebuild the Nazi Party and used new techniques of mass communication, backed up with violence, to get his message across. The Nazi party eventually grew stronger and in the 1932 elections became the largest party in the German parliament.
In January 1933 Hitler became chancellor of a coalition government. He quickly took dictatorial powers and began to institute anti-Jewish laws and in 1935, Hitler proclaimed the Nuremberg Racial Laws that deprived Jews of their civil rights and paved the way for their persecution. He also began the process of German militarisation and territorial expansion that would eventually lead to World War II. He allied with Italy and later Japan to create the Axis.
Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 began World War II. After military successes in Denmark, Norway and Western Europe, but after failing to subdue Britain in 1941, Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union.
The Jewish populations of the countries conquered by the Nazis were rounded up and killed. Millions of others whom the Nazis considered racially inferior were also killed or worked to death. In December 1941, Hitler declared war on America. The war on the eastern front drained Germany's resources and in June 1944, the British and Americans landed in France. With Soviet troops poised to take the German capital, Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin on 30 April 1945.
On a new page in your books put the Heading “Adolf Hitler”. Under the heading write a 1/2 page summary based upon the information above. After you have completed the summary, write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
Hitler in Detail
1. How many brothers and sisters did Adolf have and what were their names?
2. What happened to them?
3. Describe Hitler's education.
4. What happened to Hitler in 1909?
5. Who was Hitler sent to spy on between the years 1918 and 1919 and what happened?
6. Who were the S.A.?
7. What happened on the 8th November 1923?
8. What was Hitler charged with and what was the sentence?
9. How long did he serve?
10. Who were the SS?
11. What happened in February 1933?
12. What happened in March 1933?
Using Sources
1. Looking at the photos of Hitler, how did his image change? Why do you think he did this?
2. Using this link, look at the various video footage of Hitler. What kind of person do you think Hitler is portrayed as being? Explain your answer.
3. Use this link to read some famous quotes by Hitler.
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