During medieval times women were generally considered inferior to men in social standing.
Generally, women were taught that they should be meek and obedient to their fathers and husbands.
However medieval women had a lot of responsibility, for most women worked and did not stay at home. Many worked alongside their families in the fields. Medieval women sometimes had the responsibility of running large estates, due to the death of their husband. They would arrange estate finances and even settle local disputes. Unmarried women holding lands were powerful and had the same rights as men.
When a woman married, all of her rights and lands would be passed on to her husband. Upon his death, the woman was only entitled to a third of the lands controlled by her husband so that she could support herself.
Some unmarried women entered nunneries or convents where they lived a life similar to a monk's in service to God. Many nuns cared for the sick and also became important figures within the community.
Some of the occupations that were held by medieval women included farmers, bakers, spinners, shopkeepers and silk weavers. Women were paid a lot less than men and as a result it was quite common for a woman to hold more than one job in order to make an adequate income. The most common occupation held by women was being a spinner, women would spend much of their time spinning wool into coarse thread and then weaving it into cloth which would then be used to make garments.
On a new page in your books put the Heading “Medieval Women”. Under the heading write a summary based upon the information available from this link about the role of women. After you have completed the summary, write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
Daily Life for a Medieval Woman
1. What was the pay rate for men and women for Reaping and Hay Making?
2. What limits on women's freedoms were there?
3. How old did women usually start work?
4. How old were women from rich families and poor families when they got married? Why do you think there was a difference?
5. What was the most common cause of death for women during this time? Why?
Joan of Arc
1. Who was Joan of Arc?
2. When was she born?
3. What did she do?
4. What was she put on trial for and when?
5. What was her punishment?
After you have finished the work above, click on link Medieval Women to learn more about life for women in the Middle Ages
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