Medieval clothing varied according to the social standing of the people during the medieval period.
The clothing worn by the lower classes was vastly different from that which was worn by nobility and the upper classes.
Peasants during the Middle Ages wore very simple clothing, whilst those of nobility would wear clothing that was fitted with a distinct emphasis on the sleeves of their garments. Knights would adorn themselves with sleeveless "surcoats" that would be covered with a coat of arms.
During this time clothing styles would change periodically, especially for the men.
Early in this period the men would wear loose and flowing tunics, however by the end of the 13th century these tunics became tighter. The men would also wear briefs and an undershirt covered by a sleeveless jacket and an additional tunic. Medieval men's clothing also consisted of cloaks with a round opening that was slipped over the man's head. These cloaks were worn over other clothing as a type of "jacket".
Women's clothing during the Middle Ages consisted of "kirtles", which were tunics worn to their ankles.
These tunics were often worn over a shirt. They often topp the tunics with an even shorter "kirtle" when they were in public. The more affluent women of medieval society would wear more luxurious clothing. Women, especially those who were married, wore tight-fitting caps and nets over their hair, which was wound in a "bun" on their heads. Other women would wear veils over their hair, which was left either hanging loosely, or braided tightly.
On a new page in your books put the Heading “Medieval Clothing”. Under the heading write a 1/4 - 1/2 page summary based upon the information available from this link. After you have completed the summary, write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
Upper Class Clothing
1. What materials were the clothes that the upper classes wore made from?
2. What would they wear while hunting?
3. What would women wear on their heads?
Peasant Clothing
1. What materials were the clothes that the peasants wore made from?
2. What would act as a deodorant? Why?
3. What shoes would peasants wear?
Holy Order Clothes
1. What is the name of clothing that people from a holy order would wear?
2. What materials were the clothes that people from a holy order wore made from?
Knight Clothing
1. What materials were the clothes that knights wore made from?
2. What was a Bruchen?
Married Women Clothing
1. How did married women wear their hair?
2. How did women show their social status?
3. What was a courvechef?
Children's Clothing
1. What did young boys wear?
2. What did young girls wear?
3. What did Upper Class girls wear?
Using the information from this link, draw a timeline in your books showing the different clothing styles
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