In 1939 Germany’s ambition of controlling Europe soon became apparent to France and Britain. After taking over Austria on March 13, 1938 and being handed a large portion of Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference in September 1938 by Britain and France, Germany took control of the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Great Britain and France did not want to repeat the bloodshed of World War I and as a result were willing to appease Hitler and avoid another world war by allowing Germany these few concessions. However emboldened by these events, Hitler was confident that he could again move east, this time acquiring Poland without having any other country interfering. As events unfolded, Poland looked toward Britain and France to assist it in the event of a German invasion.

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. This event officially marked the beginning of World War II. It was an uneven contest with five German armies consisting of approximately 1.5 million men, 1900 modern aircraft and 2,000 tanks marched upon fewer than a million Polish troops with a small number of armoured vehicles and less than 500 aircraft.
The German forces occupied all of the frontier zones within five days and by September 7 their forward units were only 25 miles from Warsaw, the Polish capital. The Polish army was split and encircled with the Polish air forces eliminated. By September 17, the war was virtually over. Ten days later, after a devastating German air assault, Warsaw surrendered.
However, unlike Germany’s earlier incursions into European states, the invasion of Poland provoked a global conflict with Britain and France honouring their pact with Poland and declaring war on Nazi Germany on September 3 when it became clear that negotiating a German withdrawal was not going to achieve its goal.

When Britain declared war on Germany, Australia also found that it was again at war. Australian Prime Minister Menzies announced on radio
“Fellow Australians. It is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that, in consequence of the persistence of Germany in her invasion of Poland, Great Britain has declared war upon her, and that, as a result, Australia is also at war ... There can be no doubt that where Great Britain stands, there stands the people of the entire British world.”

Initially the Australian Labor Party had resisted and opposed Australia’s involvement in any overseas conflicts. Some Australians felt that the relationship wit Great Britain was not what it once was and that Australia was more of an independent nation. However Prime Minister Menzies was staunchly pro-British and most Australians agreed that Australia should support Britain in this new war effort. Thus it was generally accepted that if Britain was at war, then Australia would be at war.
Exercises: On a new page in your books put the Heading “Australia Becomes Involved”. Under the heading write a 1/2 page summary based upon the information above. After you have completed the summary, write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
Munich 19381. What other name was Czechoslovakia known as?
2. Who made up the majority of the population of Czechoslovakia?
3. What did Neville Chamberlain do?
War Declared1. What did Australia do after war was declared?
2. What did Australia send to help the British?
3. Who did the Australian's fight during the years of 1939 - 1941?
4. Who was the fisrt Australian killed in action?
The Phoney War1. What was the Maginot Line?
2. What was the Phoney War?
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