During the Middle Ages hygiene was not what it is today.
The level of hygiene would depend very much on a person's place in society. The wealthy people in society would bathe fairly often for they had servants that would carry water from the kitchen stove to the bathtub. The peasants however, would possibly only have a bath once or twice a year. To add to the problem of hygiene, there was very little in the way of sewerage and waste disposal systems in place and as result all of the human waste and rubbish was thrown into the street. This became a problem when it rained for all of the waste would be washed into the nearby creeks and rivers. These rivers and creeks were also the drinking water supply for the population.
The most common way to treat illness was with prayer or leeches. Leeches would be used to help induce bleeding from a vein that would be cut on the patient in an attempt to draw out 'bad blood'. This process was known as Blood Letting. Those who were mentally ill were usually locked away or displayed publicly for the entertainment of the masses.
The worst disease during the Middle Ages was the Black Death or Bubonic Plague.
The Black Death surfaced in Europe in 1348 and was so deadly that it wiped out almost half of Europe's total population in two years. Due to the limited medical knowledge there was very little anyone could do to stop it spreading and killing more people. The effects of the plague are still remembered today in the children's nursery rhyme "Ring around the Rosy"
On a new page in your books put the Heading “Disease and Death”. Under the heading write a 1/4 - 1/2 page summary based upon the information available from this link. After you have completed the summary, write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
The Origin of the Black Death
1. What country did the plague start in and in what year?
2. How was the disease transmitted?
3. What were the symptoms?
4. How did the disease reach Europe?
Black Death in Europe
1. What year did the Black Death reach Italy?
2. What were the different symptoms of the plague in Europe?
3. What were some of the reactions to the plague?
4. What would happen to the dead?
5. Which chart is easier to understand? Explain your answer
Once you have completed the above questions test how much you have learnt by playing Fling the Teacher
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