During medieval times there were different types of soldiers within an army, Foot Soldiers and Archers were two of them.
However the most well known soldiers were the Knights. Knights were considered professional soldiers, high in the order of chivalry. It was quite common for knights to travel around looking for work, that is to do battle.
With the implementation of the Feudal System the king would require soldiers to fight his battles on his own lands and away in other countries. To do this the king would pay for their service in the form of either money and/or land.
Originally with this payment the soldiers could afford to become well trained and equipped and thus become knights and eventually build their own armies which would be also used in paid service to the king. By the 11th century, these professional soldiers were approaching nobility, and by the 12th century Heraldry took shape.
Once the profession of knights had become well established, training also became a lot more rigorous. The training of a knight then began at a very young age, usually by serving as a "Page" at the age of seven until the young fighter to be was fourteen years old. A Page would often clean the training knight's armour and carry his weapons and tend to his horses. Once fourteen he would then became a "Squire", and his is when the real battle training began by learning how to use a lance and start wearing the heavy armor. The squire also served as assistant to the knight. At the end of his tough training, at the age of twenty-one, he became a knight.
The final ceremony on the long journey to become a knight would consist of a nightlong vigil in the castle chapel, a ritual bath at dawn, mass and breakfast with friends and family, and clothing in white vesture. Knighthood was conferred by a gentle blow on the neck or shoulder with the flat of a sword. The "dubbing" would take place in public accompanied by fanfares and music. Knights could also be created in the field of battle without any fanfare or ceremony.
When not engaged in combat the knight would participate in tournaments to win favors, power, and money. Often times this would also lead to courtships. Tournaments would include such activities as dueling and jousting.
On a new page in your books put the Heading “Knights”. Under the heading write a 1/4 - 1/2 page summary based upon the information available from this link. After you have completed the summary, write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
The Armour of a Knight
1. What was the armour early knights wore?
2. What was the difference in the armour that later (13th, 14th and 15th centuries) knights wore?
3. What do you think would be the advantages of the armour used by these later knights?
The Weapons of a Knight
1. What were the standard weapons a knight would use?
2. What other weapons would knights sometimes use?
3. Draw two of the knight's weapons in your books and colour them in
1. Write a 1/4 page summary from the information provided on the above website.
1. Write a 1/4 page summary from the information provided on the above website.
2. Use the following website to create your own Coat of Arms: Design a Coat of Arms
3. Print out your coat of arms and glue it into your books
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