Feudalism or the Feudal System was the system that was used during medieval Europe to organise and control land use and population. Feudalism was first used by Charlemagne in the eighth century in an attempt to control large areas of land within Gaul. Eventually the Feudal System spread throughout Europe.
As the Roman Empire fell, nobles were granted plots of land in exchange for their loyalty to the emperor. They would then eventually develop these lands into manors. A typical manor would consist of a castle or manor house, small village, and farmland. This system of loyalty flowed all the way down to the poorer people in medieval society for the Roman army could no longer be counted on to protect the peasants in Europe, so they were forced to turn to the landowners, which were often called Lords, to protect them from German, Viking and Magyar tribes who would overrun homes, farms and villages.
On a new page in your books put the Heading "The Feudal System". Under the heading write a 1/4 - 1/2 page summary on Feudalism based upon the information above and from this link. After you have completed the summary, copy the Feudal System flow chart into your books. Then write the following sub-headings and the questions in your books and answer them in full sentences using the links to the websites listed below.
1. Name the buildings that would be found within a medieval manor
2. Why do you think there are different fields?3. Using these two links Yalding 1 and Yalding 2, describe how the maps are different.
4. Which map, Yalding 1 and Yalding 2, would be more useful to historians? Why?
1. Who did the peasants have to obey?
2. Who did the peasants have to pay rent and taxes to?3. What was a Tithe?
4. What is the name of the type of houses peasants lived in?
5. What materials were these houses made from?
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